Base Training for under 3 hours is designed for runners who have an exceptionally strong background in running. If this is your first marathon and you are intermediate runner, then it will be better for you to train at a level that will give you the most benefits.  You are overreaching if you have not broken 19 minutes for a 5k or 40 minutes for a 10k, and should go down at least one level.

Runners at this level will eventually be working out with higher mileage. Because of this it is necessary to be injury free. If you have minor injuries it is better to either take some time off or cut way back for a few weeks.

Runners at the  advance and elite levels have the highest incidence of injury in all sports, with the exception of gymnastics.
Our goal here is to do a proper setup, so when we get into workout training we see max benefits and more importantly, be injury free. This type of Base training allows both rapid improvement and

Pretty much all runs in base training are easy with the exception of the Long run. In the Base Training phase, the most important run is the Long Run. All other workouts are supporting this run.

For those used to working out hard, it is difficult to determine the benefits of working out easy for extended periods of time lasting weeks. This system works because of two reasons. The first reason is straightforward. It is still possible to improve one’s conditioning by running easy. After ten weeks of easy running, one will be in better shape than when they started. More importantly there is no reason to worry about any mental fatigued or burnout. In fact, just the opposite; It is now possible to attack the hard workouts in the second stage of training.

People  may have different perceptions on what running easy is. This is pretty simple. On flat ground you should be able to converse with a running partner for the entire run. For those that are running alone your breathing rythym should be at least every other step. (For example, if you are breathing in on every left step you are running to hard.)

Again, The core of this entire system revolves around the completion of the weekly Long Run.

The one difference for runners at this level compared to others is how rapidly we increase the mileage for the long run. We assume runners at this level are already used to fairly high-mileage. If you have not done too many workouts over 12 miles, do not worry, it should not be too difficult, as the workout is at an extremely easy pace.

People running at this level tend to run higher mileage compared to the other levels. However, at a certain point, one will not see a significant improvement by simply adding more and more miles. This just increases the risk of injury. One solution is to add a second run. This run is conducted at an easier pace then your easy runs. It is an essentially long warmup, followed by some relaxed running. Even though, the run is short, it is still necessary to cool down. This run can add significant amounts to your running with minimal risk of injury. This run besides adding mileage has other benefits. The extended warmup allows the body a quicker recovery from hard workouts. Usually most of the stiffness will be removed before the afternoon workout. This also allows one to get more quality miles in the afternoon workout even though that workouts mileage remains the same.

For the elite runners, and those runners that are trying to move up another level there are charts that include the morning run. This is a terrific way to add more total mileage to the weekly total with out adding more stress.

Click here for more information. (Morning run)

One can choose from several charts. The charts were all originally based on time. It is recommended to use a time based charts instead of a mileage chart.
However, Feedback has shown that some people simply like mileage charts better for a variety of factors.

Please note the Mileage charts and the time-based charts may not exactly correlate. This is because aggregate times may be used to determine the distance.

These charts are only guidelines. It is necessary to modify them for your own person needs.

Please Click here for Base training Charts for runners under three hours.

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