Personalized Marathon Training

For the past decade I’ve been coaching runners across the Globe…from first-time beginners to seasoned, serious athletes.

Here’s what you can expect from a Personalized Training Program from me:

  • Preliminary evaluation to determine if your current work-outs are too hard or too easy. We need to find the right balance for you.
  • Review of your current goals and understanding if they’re realistic.
  • Develop a game plan just for you. We’ll look at the whole picture and create a personalized program that will help fulfill your goals, but also fit your schedule.

  • Weekly schedules that are dynamic…they can be adjusted as you make progress, or in the event you have setbacks. Flexibility and adaptation are key.

  • Regular introduction of “form” exercises based on your evolving level of fitness and overall experience.

  • Timely tips to help correct bad habits and provide additional insight throughout your training.

  • Motivation! The simple act of being accountable to another person greatly helps in achieving goals.

I offer a flat rate, per session. Sessions run approximately 5-7 months prior to the marathon date. Please note, considerations and adjustments can be made for runners in less advantaged parts of the world. I’m also a softy when it comes to hardship cases (if time permits).

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments or random musings…I’m here

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