Running Downhill

Running downhill is easier, but most runners tend to use more energy and do not generate as much speed as possible. This page provides tips on how to run downhill more efficiently and generate extra speed without getting more fatigued.

To run successfully downhill, it is essential to run in a relaxed manner. This takes more focus than running on flat terrain. So, the key is to stay more focused while remaining relaxed at the same time.

Runners usually run in an upright position to maintain balance, but they often run back on their heels. Running in this manner is like driving a car with the handbrake on. Our goal is to take the brake off and help you generate a little more speed without expending more energy.

Before we dive into what to do, it is worth mentioning that running downhill fast is hard on the body and can lead to injuries. Therefore, it is not something to practice too often. During regular workouts, it is best to avoid pushing downhill runs unless you are training specifically for an upcoming race with downhills. Normally, on designated hard hilly runs during training, it’s advisable to push on the uphill and run very relaxed on the downhill. This is the opposite of what we do on race day, where it is best to push on the downhills and run slightly more relaxed on the uphill’s.

Running downhill can be chaotic, but the goal is to maintain smoothness. To achieve this, it’s important to keep your body as relaxed as possible. When you’re moving faster, there’s a natural tendency to tense up, but you should avoid doing so. Pay attention to your foot strike – if your feet are landing in front of you, you may be overstriding. Instead, land with your feet just forward from your center of gravity.

For experienced runners, this is where your speed workouts will pay off. You’ll be familiar with the higher turnover, and you’ll be able to lift your knees a few millimeters more to allow for longer strides without over-striding. But always remember to stay as relaxed as possible.

Running Downhill faster with less energy

The objective is to use the same amount of energy or less when running downhill as you would on flat ground. To achieve this, we should observe how people tend to behave. Walking is the best example to follow. When people walk downhill, they keep their center of gravity at the same level as someone walking on level ground. This is because leaning forward could cause them to fall.

When running downhill, most runners keep their center of gravity in the same perpendicular plane as people who walk downhill. However, by maintaining an upright posture, they are essentially hitting the brakes, which can lead to more shock to the body and early fatigue. The trick is to shift your center of gravity slightly forward. To start, lean down the hill. Since you’re running, there’s no risk of falling as there is when walking. This simple weight shift allows you to run faster.

However, running downhill can present some problems. First, balance can be an issue. It’s best to ease into it and shift your center of gravity slightly forward from the hips. While running, it’s important to avoid over-striding, which wastes energy and can cause injuries. Instead, focus on increasing your leg turnover by using your arms to generate a faster tempo. Keep your arms relaxed and let them dictate your pace rather than your legs.

Successfully running downhill requires mental focus, so it’s best to eliminate distractions like music. To maintain balance, try holding your arms further away from your body. This will help you keep proper form and prevent you from going into oxygen debt.

Finally, be mindful of your breathing. If your cadence increases too much, your breathing rate will also increase, consuming additional energy. Therefore, while your legs may feel great, your overall energy consumption will increase

Stay Smooth!

Running downhill can be chaotic, but the goal is to maintain smoothness. To achieve this, it’s important to keep your body as relaxed as possible. When you’re moving faster, there’s a natural tendency to tense up, but you should avoid doing so. Pay attention to your foot strike – if your feet are landing way in front of you, you may be overstriding. Instead, try to land with your feet just forward from your center of gravity.

For experienced runners, this is where your speed workouts will pay off. You’ll be familiar with the higher turnover, and you’ll be able to lift your knees a few millimeters more to allow for longer strides without over-striding. But always remember to stay as relaxed as possible.


In workouts, I have noticed some slower runners have their set walk breaks. For example, they may take a walk break every 5 mins or so. I have seen them running up the hills but walking on the downhills. In Base training, I am indifferent. However, once you get in the workout phase you need take advantage of every downhill. I really do not see the point of ever walking downhill. These are the muscles you will using most during the race. For the slower runners, take your rest on the uphills.

There are a few marathons that are mostly downhill. For these marathons, different preparations are necessary. There are countless horror stories of perfectly fit runners bombing down the first portion of the course only to have their Quads tighten up and they end up running a slower time than if they ran a marathon on the flats. If at all possible try to get a few Long runs in where the majority of the run is downhill. A point to point course is best. No need to race the course. Focus on running smooth and quiet and avoid over-striding. This does not be a hard tempo run. Try to keep close to the pace you will be running on the flats.

But if you do not have a lot of down hills in a race. I think it is best to keep the pace relaxed and easy.
This is one of the easy areas runners gets injured. Best to keep it cool.

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